Another first draft, plus yada yada

Another first draft, plus yada yada

It’s the Tuesday after the Sunday when I typed “THE END” at the bottom of about 105,000 words of prose. This rough first-draft manuscript for Rhyfen advances the final installment in the series’ second trilogy from what I now think of as...
We’re starting something new

We’re starting something new

It’s been a jitterbug summer/early fall production-wise here at The Manor. Janet’s completed not just one, but a series of Moon Calendars for 2024, and we proofed the latest versions last week (there will be news on that coming from her soon, and...

Clothes make the man

“Last night I dreamed I was living on a farm — and by that, I mean a farm like what you might have seen in 1930s Kansas, as imagined in the movie The Wizard of Oz — and I had to go in to town for supplies, because I had run out of Purina Writer Chow....

Why We Fight

“But to tear down a factory or to revolt against a government or to avoid repair of a motorcycle because it is a system is to attack effects rather than causes; and as long as the attack is upon effects only, no change is possible. The true system, the real system, is...