
Major characters by the book

Here’s a quick guide to the people inhabiting the Darbas world listed by novel. Please note that if you’re checking out the cast of characters for a book you haven’t read yet, there may be some  spoilers in descriptions.

Who's who in 'Chene'

Dotodiga (doe-toe-DEE-ga): Mullaqat name for Chene Viqar during her seven years in the lowlands.
Kepofi (key-PO-fee): A young Mullaqat woman who is blind.
Oodalfa Zufa (OO-dal-fa ZOO-fa): Chene Viqar’s Mullaqat “grandmother.”
Salit (SAH-lit): A Mullaqat teen boy.
Timo (TEE-mo): An older Mullaqat poet.


Brother Zephyr A young Valand and confessed murderer.
Dehbink Pekinya (DEH-bink peh-KIN-ya): Krake Mistress, University Professor of Law and Linguistics, member of Rowene’s Flock.
Father Stone: Tattooed and battle-scarred “Father” of the small Valand family composed of himself, Brother Ash and Brother Zephyr.
Tekery Thurl (teh-KEER-ee): Chief of the Border Registrar’s Office in Niamh.
Thamas Dannan (TAY-muss DAN-un): West Penn teenager. Friend of young Chene and Rona.

Amarynth, The Sacred Line

(Chronological Order)
Rhoanne (ROW-ann): Founder of the Sacred Line. Victor in the Gheraldic War via her lowland ally, General Liam LaFranq of Clyde.
Ria (REE-uh): Daughter of Rhoanne. Though she is considered the second Lady of the Sacred Line, her birth in 260 p.e. (1 s.l.) is considered the moment at which the Line was founded.
Reede (REE-dih): Rowene grandmother, the longest-serving Lady of Gwynyr.
Rueth (ROO-eth): Rowene’s mother, the shortest-serving Lady of Gwynyr.
Rowene (ROW-ween): The Lady of Gwynyr, mother of Rona, Rulana and Rialta. Daughter of Lady Rueth and granddaughter of Lady Reede, both deceased.
Rona (ROW-nuh): The Lady Ascendant, heir to Rowene’s throne. Childhood friend to Chene Viqar.
Rulana (rue-LAH-nuh): Rowene’s middle child. Informally recognized as the daughter of Hudd Chalyse.
Rialta (ree-ALL-tuh): Youngest daughter of Rowene. A Fionnan.

Viqar Line

Chene Viqar (SHAY-nuh VEE-car): Only child of Jalte Viqar, Presumed future consort to Rona before her abduction at age 13.
Jalte Viqar (JAL-teh VEE-car): Chief Justice of Gwynyr, aide to Lady Rowene, mother of Chene Viqar.

Palme Line

Dula Palme (DOO-luh PAL-may): Consort to Rona, daughter of Yaga.
Yaga Palme (YAG-uh PAL-may): An early member of Rowene’s Flock, mother of Dula.

Byrd Line

Bikam Jalan (BEE-kam JAH-lun): Archaeologist and cousin of the Byrd Line, father of archaeologist Haf-Jalan Pemory through popular antiquities writer Lavyndra Pemory. One of the Seven Fathers who conceived Rona, and rumored to be one of two men who might have sired Chene through Jalte Viqar.
Brother Ash: Nephew of Faryan Byrd serving in the Valand. Born Harter Bryd (HAR-ter) An accomplished swordsman.
Cai Byrd (rhymes with “eye”): Son of Faryan Byrd, Contemporary of Chene and Rona, a couple years older.
Faryan Byrd (FAR-yan BIRD): Byrd matriarch, an influential Anker princess, and a member of Rowene’s Flock.

Chalyse Line

Hudd Chalyse: Son of Shyree, day-to-day manager of the Amarynth Estates. Generally believed to be the father of Lady Rowene’s middle daughter, Rulana.
Laeryth Chalyse (LAIR-reth): Great-niece of Memlyn. Hudd’s younger cousin. Works as an intuitive aide.
Memlyn Chalyse (MEM-lin shal-LEASE): The late former matriarch of the Chalyse Line. A popular, shrewd maverick.
Quinn Chalyse: A Chalyse cousin of high rank in the House of Fionna intelligence operation at Slyden Ferry.
Shyree Chalyse (shy-REE shal-LEASE): Daughter of Memlyn. Former headmistress of the short-lived Amarynth Estate School. Serves as the Steward of the Amarynth Estates in West Penn. Famous as a popular author, poet, newspaper columnist and watercolor painter.

Nerys Line

Shyma Nerys (shy-MUH NAIR-es): High Priestess of Amarynth.

Druce Line

Camber Druce (CAME-bur): Matriarch of the Druce Line in Amarynth. Serves the hostess role of Rowene’s Consort to the Lady at formal occasions, though there is no intimate relationship between the two.
Lully Druce (lul-LEE DROOS): Maig under Reede, Rueth and Rowene. Left the Order after becoming Maig.


Alfson Tolfe (ALF-sun TOLL-ff): Cloister boy. Major in command of the Va garrison in Cerdwyn.
Amyl Fisk (A-mill): Attorney on Olwyn Merr’s staff.
Brunne (BRUN): Rowene’s Head of House.
Erin: Chene’s serving boy.
Gwem Halen: An Amarynth cloister girl roughly Chene’s age, serving in the Fionnans.
Haf-Jalan Pemory (haf-JALL-un PEM-ry): Archaeologist, discoverer of the Ladoch Complex. Son of Lavyndra Pemory
Jentry Boeth (BOW-eth): Amarynth Order’s fixer. Former Va and Fionnan, with a law degree.
Jyra Lamish (JI-ruh LAM-ish): Cloister girl. Attorney. Casual friend of Chene.
Kien Moirellian (KEEN mor-REL-ee-an): A Fionnan elder who may be Chene’s father.
Olwyn Merr (OLE-win): Lady’s Special Envoy to Llyr.
Vade Ordell (OR-dell): Anker caste, aspiring smuggling captain.


Atlee (AT-lee): A surveyor and a “woman of no order,” after renouncing Orwyne.
Brius Silton (BREE-us): Jalte’s life partner. A banker.
Fiel Bisjon (FEEL BEE-jon): an Orwyne intuitive and a member of Rowene’s Flock.
Lineth (LIN-eth): Chief Matron at the Office of Compassionate Defense Counsel.
Neddy Edrin (NED-ee): A poet. Lover of Osina Edrin, her cousin.
Osina Edrin (oh-SEEN-na EE-drin): A banker.
Wylene Dynne (WHY-leen DINE): Head of the Bregon Region Compassionate Defense Counsel office, immediate supervisor to Chene Viqar.


Aldryn Spray (AL-drin): Prosecutor for Llyr Province, supervisor of assistant prosecutor Gowan Dougal
Aslau Kade (AS-lao KAY-de): Matriarch of Clan Kade, Llyr’s traditional forge license clan. Supporter of the House of Frihite religious movement and a founder of the secretive A’Hurance magic circle.
Daragh Kade (DAY-ruh KAY-de): Day-to-Day manager of Kade Forge. Son of Aslau and his late father, Wayd. Husband of Iola Brix
Dunn Algash (AL-gash): Constable in residence and shopkeeper at Bosq, the “Gateway to the High Dollen.”
Jaydra Fryck (JAY-dra FRICK): Chief Defender, Llyr Province Office of Compassionate Defense Counsel.
Meryl Rykstan (MEH-ril RIKE-stan): Captain of The Llyrian Guard, aka The Watch. Member of Clan Fergan.
Monde Bryce (MOND BRICE): Matriarch of Clan Bryce, Llyr’s traditional mining license clan.
Nabyn Zuill (NAY-bin ZOOL): Clan Zuill matriarch, a post that makes her Gwynyr’s largest importer.
Piperel “Pipi” Kade (PIP-rel): Sheriff of Cerdwyn. Niece of Aslau. Cousin of Daragh. She assigns Deputy Fayre to assist Chene Viqar in preparing her defense of Brother Zephyr.
Pol Claire (POLE CLAIR): Though not himself a Kade, he is a loyal Kadesman with close ties to Daragh. Captain of the Kade Militia.
Ryti Lind (RIT-tee LIN): Head of the House of Frihite.
Skene Bryce (SCAIN): Son of Monde, actively engaged in his Clan’s business dealings.
Vangee Zuill (VAN-gee ZOOL): Daughter of Mabyn. Assistant Defender at the Llyrian Compassionate Defense Counsel Office.
Ylar Yulen (EE-lar YOO-len): Domadig priestess, Llyr native, Lady’s Governor of Llyr Provence. Her Head of House at the Governor’s Mansion is Sister Jayne.

Who's who in 'Llyr'


Thamas Dannan (TAY-muss DAN-un): a.k.a. Brother Zephyr. Native of the West Penn who joined the Va and was recently ascended to the Valand. Chene’s client.

Dehbink Pekinya (DEH-bink peh-KIN-ya): Krake Mistress, University Professor of Law and Linguistics, member of Rowene’s Flock.

Father Stone: Tattooed and battle-scarred “Father” of the small Valand family consisting of himself, Brother Ash and Brother Zephyr.

Kitby Perrdoin: A Sendant from Niamh.

Anwen: An Old Dead spirit in the Touwaithe Realm.

Sigint: Thamas’ Matriarch, great-grandmother. Mother of Fingal Dannan, grandmother of Felisse Dannan, who is the wife of Wallis and the mother of Thamas.

Finn Shanae: Uncle to Thamas, sells farm supplies, friend of Hudd’s.

Kim Kerlyn: an attorney representing the One Hundred, from Rhodig.


The Sacred Line

Rhoanne (ROW-ann): Founder of the Sacred Line. Victor in the Gheraldic War via her lowland ally, General Liam LaFranq of Clyde.

Ria (REE-uh): Daughter of Rhoanne. Though she is considered the second Lady of the Sacred Line, her birth in 260 p.e. (1 s.l.) is also considered the moment at which the Line was founded.

Reede (REE-de): Rowene’s grandmother, the longest-serving Lady of Gwynyr.

Rueth (ROO-eth): Rowene’s mother, the shortest-serving Lady of Gwynyr.

Rowene (ROW-ween): The Lady of Gwynyr, mother of Rona, Rulana and Rialta. Daughter of Lady Rueth and granddaughter of Lady Reede, both deceased.

Rona (ROW-nuh): The Lady Ascendant, heir to Rowene’s throne. Childhood friend to Chene Viqar.

Rulana (rue-LAH-nuh): Rowene’s middle child. Informally recognized as the daughter of Hudd Chalyse.

Rialta (ree-ALL-tuh): Youngest daughter of Rowene. A Fionnan.

Viqar Line

Chene Viqar (SHAY-nuh VEE-car): Only child of Jalte Viqar, Presumed future consort to Rona before her abduction at age 13.

Jalte Viqar (JAL-teh VEE-car): Chief Justice of Gwynyr, aide to Lady Rowene, mother of Chene Viqar.

Palme Line

Dula Palme (DOO-luh PAL-may): Consort to Rona, daughter of Yaga.

Byrd Line

Brother Ash: Born Harter Byrd (HAR-ter). Nephew of Faryan Byrd serving in the Valand. An accomplished swordsman.

Chalyse Line

Memlyn Chalyse (MEM-lin shal-LEASE): The not-entirely dearly departed matriarch of the Chalyse Line. A popular, shrewd maverick.

Shyree Chalyse (shy-REE shal-LEASE): Daughter of Memlyn, Matriarch of the Chalyse line. Former headmistress of the short-lived Amarynth Estate School. Serves as the Steward of the Amarynth Estates in the West Penn. Famous as a popular hostess, author, poet, newspaper columnist and watercolor painter.

Hudd Chalyse: Son of Shyree, day-to-day manager of the Amarynth Estates. Generally believed to be the father of Lady Rowene’s middle daughter, Rulana.

Laeryth Chalyse (LAIR-reth) : Great-niece of Memlyn. Hudd’s younger cousin. Works as an intuitive aide.

Elalee Chalyse: Hudd’s aunt.

Druce Line

Lully Druce (LUL-lee DROOS): Maig under Reede, Rueth and Rowene. Left the Order after becoming Maig.


Jentry Boeth (BOW-eth): Amarynth Order’s fixer. Former Va and Fionnan, with a law degree.

Olwyn Merr (OLE-win): Lady’s Special Envoy to Llyr.

Alfson Tolfe (ALF-sun TOLL-ff): Cloister boy. Major in command of the Va garrison in Cerdwyn.

Kien Moirellian (KEEN mor-REL-ee-an): A Fionnan elder who may be Chene’s father.

Mignon (min-YON): A plump, sexy socialite and friend of Rona and her group.


Wylene Dynne (WHY-leen DINE): The recently murdered head of the Bregon Region Compassionate Defense Counsel office, immediate supervisor to Chene Viqar.



Ylar Yulen (EE-lar YOO-len): Domadig priestess, Llyr native, Lady’s Governor of Llyr Provence. Her Head of House at the Governor’s Mansion is Sister Jayne.

Jaydra Fryck (JAY-dra FRICK): Chief Defender, Llyr Province Office of Compassionate Defense Counsel.

Aldryn Spray (AL-drin): Prosecutor for Llyr Province, supervisor of assistant prosecutor Gowan Dougal (GOW-an DOO-gul).

Syson Dai: Nearsighted octogenarian judge from Clan Yulf.

Gengin: Bailiff to Syson Dai.

Dame Ervyn (ER-vin), Matriarch of Fergan.

Ade Hoane: Handsome waiter at The Braedyn Inn, attempted to kill Chene after the bombing. Hanged himself in his cell during the riots. Believed to be the ringleader of a small terrorist cell that attempted to assassinate Chene in retribution for the executions of the men who confessed to killing her as a teen.

Clan Kade

Aslau Kade (AS-lao KAY-de): Matriarch of Clan Kade, Llyr’s traditional forge license clan. Supporter of the House of Frihite religious movement and a founder of the secretive A’Hurance magic circle.

Daragh Kade (DARE-uh KAY-de): Day-to-Day manager of Kade Forge. Son of Aslau and his late father, Wayd. Husband of Iola Brix (EE-oh-la BREE) of Clan Yulf, although he neither took her name nor joined her Clan. Father of two daughters and sons Torrie Kade and Laine Kade, whom he is grooming to replace him as Forge Boss. Like his mother, he is a member of the A’Hurance circle and a supporter of the Frihite movement.

Piperel “Pipi” Kade (PIP-rel): Sheriff of Cerdwyn. Niece of Aslau. Cousin of Daragh. She assigns Deputy Fayre to assist Chene Viqar in preparing her defense of Brother Zephyr.

Pol Claire (POLE CLAIR): Though not himself a Kade, he is a loyal Kadesman with close ties to Daragh. Captain of the Kade Militia.

Clan Bryce

Monde Bryce (MOND BRICE): Matriarch of Clan Bryce, Llyr’s traditional mining license clan.

Skene Bryce (SCAIN): Son of Monde, actively engaged in his Clan’s business dealings.

Clan Zuill

Mabyn Zuill (MAY-bin ZOOL): Clan Zuill matriarch, a post that makes her Gwynyr’s largest importer.

Vangee Zuill (VAN-gee ZOOL): Daughter of Mabyn. Assistant Defender at the Llyrian Compassionate Defense Counsel Office.

The Watch

Meryl Rykstan (MEH-ril RIKE-stan): Captain of The Llyrian Guard, aka The Watch. Member of Clan Fergan.

Sergeant Stence: a red-bearded Watchman with the Llyrian Guard.

The High Dollen

Kavian Boon-Gwilym: A locally famous backwoodsman and rabble-rouser. Leader of the Brotherhood of Eurram and the Saigoleah Militia.

Dunn Algash (AL-gash): Constable in residence and shopkeeper at Bosq, the “Gateway to the High Dollen.”

Alfbin: Dairy Farmer outside Shinlay in the High Dollen. A former Kadesman. Kept a secret armory behind a cheese cave.

Jon Boon-Lundri: Village blacksmith at Bosq.

Deela: a Bosq woman with a baby

Heezy: a Bosq native with a burly physique and a shaved head who moved to Manewyn. Second cousin to Jon Boon-Lundri

Alk Halkym: Commander of the Zaidyn Guard.


Ryti Lind (RIT-tee LIN): Head of the House of Frihite.

Prynt Varic: Frihite’s lead counsel, a middle-aged brunette with reading glasses

Zac Lyntyre: is the head of security: clean shaven, baldheaded, high cheekbones and hard jaw.

Mendae: Frihite bondsman to Lyntyre.

Berke: Frihite priestess working for Lyntyre.


Khronoxis: a Qatfablos host at Bal’a’Blos.

Who's who in 'Gwynyr'


Oodalfa Zufa (OO-dal-fa ZOO-fa): Chene Viqar’s Mullaqat “grandmother.”

Oodalfa Uzuri (OO-dal-fa oo-ZUR-ee): Leader of the Makurudias safaqunzi.

Dolfo Salit (SAH-lit): A Mullaqat singer and poet

Jolucan residents

Commodore Theeg: Legendary boss of the Jolucan Underworld.

Slicker Man, Lantern Man, et al: Waterfront criminals.

Wildyn Faw: Officer in “Theeg’s Navy.”

Lady Xenay: Fourth Floor occupant of Churser House.

Captain Proxmire: Former commander of the Gheraldic blockading squadron.

Commodore Pfenning: Proxmire’s replacement as squadron commander.

Atlee (AT-lee): A surveyor, seeking passage home to Gwynyr.

Berch: A legendary Tamesis highwayman, in retirement.


Thamas Dannan (TAY-muss DAN-un): Former Valand partner of Chene Viqar, born in the West Penn.

Felisse Dannan: Mother of Thamas Dannan

Wallis Hopen: Father of Thamas Dannan

Fingal Dannan: Grandmother of Thamas Dannan

Sigint Dannan: Great-Grandmother of Thamas Dannan

Little Gal Dannan: Thamas Dannan’s Great-Aunt.

Enod: A member of Hudd Chalyse’s Rangers.

Jedwin: A member of Hudd Chalyse’s Rangers.

Elwar Elyn: Kitchen manager at Naisley Farm.

Baba: Matriarch at Naisley Farm.

Dmetra: Matriarch at Naisley Farm.

Fraenae: Head of House at the Amarynth Estates’ Steward House.

Cerlan Zelo: Current Maig at the Arx Temple.


Vade Ordell (OR-dell): An Anker-born officer in Rowene’s Free Trading Service.

Jentry Boeth (BOW-eth): Amarynth Order’s fixer. Former Va and Fionnan, with a law degree.

Kien Moirellian (KEEN mor-REL-ee-an): A Fionnan elder who may be Chene’s father.

Kaileith: A fysaelle debutante.

Oan Poragen: A member of Rona’s cohort, now a Va officer.

Kesyler: New secretary to Shyree Chalyse.

The Sacred Line

Rhoanne (ROW-ann): Founder of the Sacred Line. Victor in the Gheraldic War via her lowland ally, General Liam LaFranq of Clyde.

Rowene (ROW-ween): The Lady of Gwynyr, mother of Rona, Rulana and Rialta. Daughter of Lady Rueth and granddaughter of Lady Reede, deceased.

Rona (ROW-nuh): The Lady Ascendant, heir to Rowene’s throne. Childhood friend to Chene Viqar.

Rulana (rue-LAH-nuh): Rowene’s middle child. Informally recognized as the daughter of Hudd Chalyse.

Rialta (ree-ALL-tuh): Youngest daughter of Rowene. A Fionnan.

Byrd Line

Hamlyn Byrd: Nicknamed “Ham.” A former cloister boy, later a Jolucan roso addict.

Faryan Byrd (FAR-yan BIRD): Byrd matriarch, an influential Anker princess, and a member of Rowene’s Flock.

Brother Ash: Born Harter Byrd (HAR-ter). An accomplished swordsman serving in the Valand. Nephew of Faryan Byrd.

Cai Byrd (rhymes with “eye”): Son of Faryan Byrd, Contemporary of Chene and Rona, a couple of years older.

Bikam Jalan (BEE-kam JAH-lun): Archaeologist and cousin of the Byrd Line, father of archaeologist Haf-Jalan Pemory through popular antiquities writer Lavyndra Pemory. One of the Seven Fathers who conceived Rona, and rumored to be one of two men who might have sired Chene through Jalte Viqar.

Chalyse Line

Memlyn Chalyse (MEM-lin shal-LEASE): The late former matriarch of the Chalyse Line. A popular, shrewd maverick.

Shyree Chalyse (shy-REE shal-LEASE): Daughter of Memlyn. Former headmistress of the short-lived Amarynth Estate School. Serves as the Steward of the Amarynth Estates in the West Penn. Famous as a popular author, poet, newspaper columnist and watercolor painter.

Hudd Chalyse: Son of Shyree, day-to-day manager of the Amarynth Estates. The father of Lady Rowene’s middle daughter, Rulana.

Quinn Chalyse: A Chalyse cousin of high rank in the House of Fionna intelligence operation at Slyden Ferry.

Temsira Chalyse: A 38-year-old Amarynth beauty.

Druce Line

Lully Druce (lul-LEE DROOS): Former Maig under Ladies Reede, Rueth and Rowene. Deceased.

Kemlin Druce: An Arx Temple banker.

Palme Line

Yaga Palme (YAG-uh PAL-may): An early member of Rowene’s Flock, mother of Dula.

Dula Palme (DOO-luh PAL-may): Daughter of Yaga, consort to Rona.

Viqar Line

Jalte Viqar (JAL-teh VEE-car): Chief Justice of Gwynyr, aide to Lady Rowene, mother of Chene Viqar.

Chene Viqar (SHAY-nuh VEE-car): Only child of Jalte Viqar, dispatched as an agent on behalf of Lady Ascendant Rona.

Zooq Line

Mignon Zooq; A celebrated erotic socialite from a Line making a play for Anker caste status. Working as Rona’s agent in Jolucan.

Iolyn Zooq: Younger sister of Mignon. Considered the most beautiful of the Zooq girls.

Feifson Zooq: Younger brother of Mignon, older brother of Iolyn. One of Rona’s Seven Fathers.


Brius Silton (BREE-us): Jalte’s life partner. A banker.

Templeman Fraische: Popular young musician and singer. One of Rona’s Seven Fathers.

Brother Brightstar (born Vernie Stoyer): A Valand assigned to duty as archery instructor to Dula Palme.

Inspector Constable Mentyre Siani: Beltan Holy Quarter lawman.

Sergeant Hestyr: Cavalryman, Fox Troop, House Horse Regiment.


Ylar Yulen (EE-lar YOO-len): Domadig priestess, Llyr native, Lady’s Governor of Llyr Provence.

Aslau Kade (AS-lao KAY-de): Matriarch of Clan Kade, Llyr’s traditional forge license clan.

Daragh Kade (DAY-ruh KAY-de): Day-to-Day manager of Kade Forge. Son of Aslau.

Pol Claire (POLE CLAIR): Though not himself a Kade, he is a loyal Kadesman with close ties to Daragh. Captain of the Kade Militia.

Skene Bryce (SCAIN): Son of Monde, actively engaged in his Clan’s business dealings.

Ryti Lind (RIT-ee LIN): Head of the House of Frihite in Cerdwyn

Who's who in 'Ta Nupa'

An alphabetical guide to the cast of characters in Ta Nupa. Characters are listed by first name, if one is given. To search this page for a name, use CTL F to open a search box.

Adjabi: A former Mullaqat antiquities scholar who owns an olive orchard in Sa’Urtha and is considered a prominent figure in the unincorporated settlement.

Ambay Samsar: The highest ranking hasandan at Hasada Hrabar, business agent to Bax Hrabar.

Antin Hrabar/Gid Marish: Son of Rose and Iris prostitute Eirenne ouBartelmus, he is sent in another brothel boy’s place to fill the Third Son vacancy at Hasada Hrabar. Rated First Cadet in his class at the Dutan Military Academy, he holds the rank of lieutenant in the Army of Dutan and captain in the Tanu County Home Guards. Also known as Deversant “Dev” Tregar, a false name assigned to him during his covert recon of Gwynyr.

Asprus Niemis: Third Son of Hasada Niemis, married to Shafez Hrabar.

Bax Hrabar: Patriarch and Hasada Boss at Hasada Hrabar.

Baxton, Mrs.: Rose and Iris kitchen supervisor

Bethel: A prostitute in Argon.

Biddee ouNiemis: A teenage ouhasandan who joined a gang of cattle thieves and died at Taplala Wash.

Boebie: A friendly Sa’Urtha donkey.

Boksin Stavator, Battle Sergeant: A Birren-born ethnic DuQaddic who enlisted in the Army of Dutan, rose quickly to the rank of sergeant, and established himself as the Army’s top hand-to-hand combat trainer, expert on self-defense, and author of the Army’s manual on that topic. Left the Army after being replaced in his role with the Mounted Spears, and became the Home Guard adjutant to Captain Antin Hrabar, his former student. Also known as Adnan Beznik, the false name assigned to him for the Gwynyrian Recon. 

Buldan Hrabar: First Son of Bax and Jiddi Hrabar.

Buraid Bryce: A member of the Bryce Clan who operates an illegal brothel in Back Kadetown, Cerdwyn.

Casalak, Major: A military intelligence officer and member of The Brauden assigned the Army of Dutan High Command at Fort Ustaruk, he recruits Antin Hrabar to replace the commander of a Korvish-Sopkan recon mission to Bal’a’Blos and Gwynyr.

Chaukis Marisch: The actual bastard son of Bax Hrabar at The Rose and Iris. He is an idiot, and Neva Marisch sends Gid Marisch in his place.

Chibura, Sister: A Clydish Sulist nun from Clyde Barrow, and the primary aide to Sister Mary Almatera.

Chimo: Father of Gid Marisch/Antin Hrabar by Eirenne, Chimo was a brilliant young man and a Sidon prostitute who became addicted to roso and died at age 29. Gid/Antin has no memory of him.

Chotgorin Nud-Khogin, Colonel: A Sopkan cavalry officer assigned to the intelligence branch at Pasmurno.

Dhemi: Personal assistant to Neva Marisch.

Draznet Antin Hrabar (“Big Draz”): Father of Bax Hrabar, grandfather of Bax’s First Son Buldan Hrabar, and great-grandfather to Buldan’s First Son Draznet “Little Draz” Hrabar.

Draznet Hrabar (“Little Draz”): Son of Buldan Hrabar, grandson of Bax Hrabar, great-grandson of Draznet Antin Hrabar.

Dukton Niemis: First Son and acting Hasada Boss at Hasada Niemis, he fathered a full roster of Sons and spares with his first wife before her death. He married the much-younger Wenda Hrabar soon after he was widowed. 

Duncan Eksperse, Lieutenant: Former Academy classmate of Antin Hrabar, he trained and served with the Mounted Spears before attending law school and taking a commission to the legal corps.

Dunor “Clumpy” Korkun, Brigadier General: A member of the prominent Azulade Korkun family, Clumpy is a contemporary of Serbotus Bartelmus and the father of the officer originally selected to lead the Gwynyrian Recon. 

Dunor Korkun Junior, Lieutenant: Clumpy Jr. was removed from his assignment to the Gwynyrian Recon by Major Casalak after the Army learned that he’d been compromised by foreign agents. 

Eirenne ouBartelmus: Prostitute at The Rose and Iris, she is the mother of Gid Marisch/Antin Hrabar.

Fahmar, Captain: An officer in the Gwynyrian Customs Service. 

Fedakar ouHrabar: The father of a child raped by “Big Draz” Hrabar and his son Bax. Big Draz compensated the father for his daughter’s service by giving him three hens.

Gadyer Niemis: The elderly, infamous and unwell Patriarch and Hasada Boss at Hasada Niemis. 

Gandropopo, Father: An ethnically DuQaddic preacher from the start-up Church of the Chosen, a non-denominational “Sulist” church with its roots in the Borderbelt and its eyes on replacing the institutional DuQaddic church. Since the beginning of the famine on the Plains, Father Gandropopo has built a reputation as a generous provider of food, shelter and alms for displaced ouhasandans.

Gladac Rutov: A classically trained Korvish spy, specializing in diplomatic cover, he previously served an extended posting to the Korvish Consulate in Sidon. Multilingual. 

Grupac Hrabar: The youngest son of Bax and Jiddi Hrabar, he died of the plague, leaving the hasada’s Third Son position vacant.

Gorkeli, General: A senior officer at Fort Ustaruk who offers Antin Hrabar a staff position and membership in The Brauden if he returns to active duty.

Hanem Hrabar: Wife of Draznet Antin Hrabar.

Havey Yulen: A corporal in The Watch in Cerdwyn, and a nephew of the former Gwynyrian Governor of Llyr Province.

Hector Dyche: A veteran Army of Dutan spy assigned to Havachen and the Gwynyrian Recon mission.

Jiddira “Jiddi” Hrabar: Wife of Bax Hrabar and mother of Buldan, Suderas, Shaffez, Grupac and Wenda Hrabar. Born into the prominent Korkun family.

Jon al Barcat: A Mullaqat poet who fell in love with Mary Almatera at Eilydon Below the Falls. and the father of her only son, John.

Junat Zenestra, Major: An enlisted Korvish war hero and a Code of Smada selection for promotion to the officer ranks, Zenestra is a career officer on temporary assignment to Korvish-Sopkan military intelligence when he accepts an assignment to recon Gwynyr on behalf of the Empire.

Keenit: A highly educated former Mullaqat now living in Sa’Urtha between expeditions as a sought-after professional archaeological excavator.

Kenecht: A Don teamster veteran of the Cerdwyn charcoal trade. 

Krimit Sheffi: The most successful of the “Barneytown” DuQaddic organized crime bosses from West Quaystable District in Sidon.

Ladama Devre: Managing Partner at Hasada Hudok. Devre is a middle-aged Azulade plainsman with connections to the influential Korkun family.

Larasto, Father: A Zagedshem priest who serves as an aide to Brother Suderas.

Lemid Samsar: A schoolteacher from the Kavsack area who serves as a lieutenant in the Tanu County Home Guards.

Marisch: The pen name of a DuQaddic poet.

Mary Almatera: A Wyden-born Gwynyrian who became a respected Sulist Nun in Clyde Barrow, the Edain. Renowned as a physician in a culture that doesn’t have female physicians. Mary has a complicated relationship with the Picthian church. She is the mother of John, a soldier in the Clydish Guards overseas. 

Masidzi: A smuggler friend of Adjabi’s in Sa’Urtha.

Mumbret: An Atama stallion trained as a cavalry horse and assigned to Sergeant Stavator in his role as adjutant to Captain Hrabar in Tanu County.

Neva Marisch: Born to an ouhasandan mother at Hasada Bartelmus, she was educated at a Dutan boarding school and allowed to escape her caste. She became a prostitute in Sidon, then moved into drug dealing and, ultimately, became the proprietor fo The Rose and Iris, a prominent saloon and brothel in the North Quayside District. A criminal innovator, Marisch runs a vertically integrated operation, takes care of her employees, and looks out for the interests of the city’s DuQaddics. 

Padraig: A donwagon teamster and veteran of the Cerdwyn charcoal run. 

Racopae “Pae-Pae” Niemis: Second Son of Hasada Niemis, and the local priest on the family estate.

Serbotus Bartelmus, General: Third Son of the respected Bartelmus family, he accepted a Direct Commission to the Army of Dutan and rose steadily through the ranks at Fort Ustaruk to become its highest-ranking general. Security Advisor to the Council of Darbas. Co-founder of The Brauden. Author of several published books. 

Shafez Niemis: Eldest daughter of Bax and Jiddi Hrabar, married to Asprus Niemis, Third Son at Hasada Niemis.

Suderas Hrabar: Suderas fills the Hrabars’ Second Son slot, but has never served as priest at the family hasada. As a member of the elite Ta Zagedshem, he is both a monk and Tanu Mutan Proximo’s Proxy to The Throne of Sula. 

Trem Serefaka, Captain: A cavalry officer at Fort Ustaruk and a member of The Brauden. 

Tukwada ouNiemis: An ouhasandan day laborer in Southern Tanu County who leads a small band of fellow ouhasandans on a week’s long “uprising” in the prefecture, stealing cattle, raiding outlying communities and stations, and participating in multiple crimes, including rape and murder.

Ulak: A prized Magur stallion purchased by Bax Hrabar as a gift for his son Antin upon his return from active duty military service to take his place on the plains as Hrabar’s Third Son. 

Wenda Niemis: The youngest child of Bax and Jiddi Hrabar, Wenda betrothed to the much older Dukton Niemis in an arranged marriage following the death of his first wife.

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